8 Creative Ideas to Make Webinars not Boring in 2023

Webinars have become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their customers, share their knowledge and promote their products or services. But with so many webinars being held every day, it can be challenging to make yours stand out and keep your audience engaged. In this post, we're going to share 8 creative ideas that you can use to make your webinars more interesting and engaging in 2023.

Why Are We Still Doing Webinars?

Webinars are important for a number of reasons:

  • Reach a wider audience: Webinars can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection, regardless of their location. This allows businesses and organizations to reach a wider audience than traditional in-person events.

  • Cost-effective: Hosting a webinar is generally less expensive than organizing an in-person event. There are no travel expenses for attendees and minimal costs for the host.

  • Flexibility: Webinars can be recorded and played back at a later date, which allows people who were not able to attend the live event to still view the content.

  • Easy to organize: With the many webinar platforms available, it's easy to organize a webinar and invite attendees. You can also automate reminders, registration, and follow-ups, which simplifies the process.

  • Lead generation: Webinars can be used as a lead generation tool. During the webinar, attendees may be prompted to provide contact information in exchange for a free resource or trial.

  • Enhance brand reputation: Hosting webinars shows that a company is an authority in its industry and a thought leader.

  • Improve engagement: Because attendees can interact with the speaker and other attendees, webinars can be more engaging than other forms of online content, such as pre-recorded videos.

  • Scale-up learning: Webinars can be used as a training tool for employees or customers, allowing them to learn from the comfort of their own home.

  • Measurable: With webinars you can track the number of registered attendees, attendees who actually joined, and even questions or interactions made. This can help you measure the impact and effectiveness of the webinar.

With this in mind, let’s jump into some creative ways to keep them bot boring in 2023!

1. Choose Your Own Adventure

Create a virtual "choose your own adventure" style webinar where attendees can vote on which direction the presentation takes. This will keep your audience engaged and give them a sense of control over the content of the webinar.

2. Make it an Open House

Do a virtual "open-house" type webinar with virtual rooms to visit, such as: Q&A room, break-out discussion room, presentation room and interaction room. This will give attendees a feeling of touring a house but with different sessions or activities.

3. Interactive polls & surveys

Incorporate interactive polls and surveys into your webinar to keep your audience engaged and get feedback on your content. This is a great way to encourage participation and engagement, and you can use the feedback you receive to improve future webinars.

4. Spice up the Entertainment

Keep your audience entertained by giving your panelists a challenge to complete while hosting. For example, have them taste a variety of hot sauces between answering questions. This is sure to spice up the webinar!

5. Make it a Series

Keep your audience wanting more by making your webinar part of a series. Do a webinar series where the attendees get to know a specific topic with a different speaker every session. This will provide an opportunity for attendees to learn about a variety of perspectives and ideas on a specific topic.

6. Virtual Shark Tank or Trade Show

Host a virtual trade show where vendors can showcase their products or services. This will give your audience a chance to see the latest products and innovations in your industry, and potentially make new connections with vendors.

7. Bring on the Game show

Host a virtual game show with prizes for participants who answer questions correctly. This will add an element of fun and competition to your webinar, and encourage attendees to stay engaged.

8. Escape Room Anyone?

Host a virtual event that simulates an "escape room" experience where attendees work together to solve puzzles in order to progress through the webinar. This will make the webinar more interactive and keep the audience engaged.

The Bottom Line?

In conclusion, there are many different ways to make your virtual webinar more engaging and interactive. By thinking outside the box and getting creative, you can create an event that will stand out in the crowded online landscape and provide a memorable experience for your audience.

Not Sure Where to Start?

PlanWell helps small-team marketers bring their event strategy to life. We’d love to serve as the team within your team and help elevate your event experience. To learn more about our services check out our full list. If you are interested in learning more, you can book a call here.   


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