Elevate Your Event Follow-Up Game: A Creative Playbook for Field Marketing

Welcome to the world of field marketing event follow-up, where creativity meets connection for SaaS startups. In this blog post, we'll delve into the nuances of creating a dynamic field marketing event follow-up playbook, designed to leave a lasting impression on your prospects and drive meaningful engagement.

Why Event Follow-Up Matters:

In the fast-paced world of SaaS startups, the post-event phase is often overlooked. However, the time, effort, and creativity invested in event follow-up can be the catalyst for unlocking new business opportunities. Here's why event follow-up matters:

  1. Build lasting connections: Successful follow-up is about more than just saying thanks. It's an opportunity to build lasting connections by showing genuine interest in your prospects.

  2. Revenue magic happens post-event: The real revenue magic happens after the event. Nurturing leads post-event can convert prospects into loyal customers and turn one-time attendees into advocates for your brand.

  3. Stand out from the crowd: In a sea of generic follow-up emails, creative and thoughtful strategies make your brand memorable. Standing out from the crowd ensures that your startup stays top-of-mind.

Creative Follow-Up Ideas:

  1. Personalized Gifts Based on Icebreaker Questions:

    • At the event, use icebreaker questions to gather personal preferences.

    • Follow up by mailing prospects a personalized gift related to their responses.

    • Example: Host a wine tasting, ask for favorite wines, and send prospects their preferred bottle.

  2. Connecting Prospects and Customers:

    • Identify prospects and customers who live close to each other.

    • Reconnect them via email and include a coffee gift card for a potential meet-up.

    • Encourage networking and organic conversations about your brand during their meet-up.

  3. Handwritten Notes with Custom Videos:

    • Craft personalized handwritten notes for attendees.

    • Include a QR code leading to a custom video thanking them for joining.

    • A thoughtful touch that proves your brand values the details and can revive stagnant deals.

  4. Virtual Workshops or Demos:

    • Host personalized virtual workshops or demos based on the interests or pain points discussed during the event.

    • If a prospect showed interest in data analytics, offer a one-on-one virtual demo showcasing how your platform addresses their specific data challenges.

  5. Exclusive Content Access

    • Provide exclusive access to premium content related to event discussions. This could include whitepapers, case studies, or industry reports.

    • Share a password-protected link to an exclusive webinar recording or a downloadable industry insights report.

  6. Interactive Surveys

    • Send interactive surveys to gather post-event feedback and preferences. Use the insights to tailor future communications.

    • Ask attendees to rate their interest in specific product features, helping your team prioritize follow-up conversations.

Rolling Out the Playbook to Your Team:

Implementing this playbook requires effective communication and coordination within your team:

  1. Create an actual playbook: Create a playbook that lists out follow-up process step by step. Offer email templates, cadences, and links to relevant information. Make this as easy as your can for your sales reps.

  2. Role-specific follow-up strategies:Tailor follow-up approaches based on team roles. For example, sales reps can focus on personalized product demos, while customer success teams emphasize post-sale support.

  3. Cross-functional collaboration: Encourage collaboration between different teams for holistic follow-up. Marketing, sales, and customer success can work together to create a seamless post-event experience.

  4. Training: Ensure your team understands the importance of creative follow-up and the positive impact it can have on lead conversion and brand perception.

  5. Resource allocation: Allocate resources for personalized gifts, coffee cards, and any other elements of your follow-up strategy.

  6. Feedback loop: Establish a feedback loop to continuously improve your follow-up playbook. Encourage team members to share insights and success stories.

The Bottom Line

Mastering the art of field marketing event follow-up is a game-changer. By infusing creativity into your approach and personalizing interactions, you not only stand out but also pave the way for lasting connections and business growth. Cheers to better follow-up and a successful first half of the year!

Ready to take your events to the next level?

Planwell helps small-team marketers bring their event strategy to life. We’d love to serve as the team within your team and help elevate your event experience. To learn more about our services check out our full list. If you are interested in learning more, you can book a call here.   


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